Monday 14 March 2016

Ecosystems - Ecological conservation area

The Norfolk Broads
  • 301 km² of marsh, woodland and open water in Norfolk and Suffolk.
  • It is the flooded remains of medieval peat diggings.
Ecological importance:
  • 28 SSSIs
  • High biodiversity
  • Protected grazing marsh
  • Ramsar conservation designation
  • Biodiversity action plan
Human impact:
  • Domestic waste disposal 
  • Drainage for grazing
  • Growing population 
  • Increase in boating
  • Intensive farming methods
  • Special areas of conservation
  • Preventing deterioration of water systems by reducing pollution
  • UK biodiversity action plan 1994
  • Farmers given special payments to manage and conserve landscape 

Dulwich Upper Wood
  • Aims to provide the local area with increased biodiversity and aesthetically pleasing walks.
  • Built upon victorian property remains and ancient woodland.
  • 250 fungi types and 40 species of bird.
  • Habitats has been recreated or preserved in order to return them to their natural state.
  • Trails to reduce trampling.

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