Tuesday 8 March 2016

Ecosystems - Temperate deciduous woodland

General facts:

- These forests require a climate which has a growth period of 4-6 months and a cool but mild winter when their shed. Rain occurs all year round with between 500-1500mm.

- There are 4 layers of vegetation: canopy, shrub, field and ground

- Some woodlands are dominated by one species e.g. oak or beech

- The types of shrubs found vary with light available like the Indian Pipe flower can survive on the forest floor with little light.

- There are relatively few species of dominance.

- It has high net primary productivity during the growing season.


Hayley Wood, Cambridgeshire
  •  Part of the woods are fenced off by the Wildlife Trust in order to protect it from deer browsing.
  •  Living Landscape schemes create spaces for animals to move between places in order wild flower seeds to be able to settle and grow.
  •  Cut and Chew project aims to conserve grassland by using traditional grazing.
New Forest, South England
  • Low levels of management to maintain traditional feel.
  • Removal of exotic species and appropriate placement of native species.
  • Fences put up to reduce grazing.
  • Small timber usage.

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