Sunday 17 April 2016

Development - Globalisation of services


Services like call centres are outsourced to India. This is because:

  • its the 2nd largest english speaking resource in the world
  • investment friendly
  • supportive government policies
  • adaptability to new technology
  • good infrastructure
  • 3rd largest brain bank, 2.5 million technical professionals
  • stable democratic environment 
  • large market size with increasing purchasing power
  • special investment and tax incentives given for exports in certain sectors
  • legal protection for intellectual property rights
Example: The International Technology Park, Bangalore
  • One of the largest software companies in India, Infosys, is based is the park
  • Covers 140000m²
  • Best telecom infrastructure in the country
  • Major IT hub
  • 18km from city centre so created suburbs
  • Green spaces
  • Optical fibre connectivity
  • Dedicated power plant
  • Shuttle bus covering 80 routes

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