Sunday 17 April 2016

Development - Growth in the 21st century


  • Major trading partner with US $26.1bn 
  • Only 10% with the rest of South America
  • Largest exporter of coffee, sugar, chicken and beef
  • Trade flows to neighbouring countries are weak
  • Brazil has lots of Natural Resources – Brazil has large oilfields off the coast, it is also one of the largest exporters of iron ore which goes to make steel and it is also the largest agricultural exporter. This can be researched on the Brazil farming section of this website.
  • High amounts of Direct Foreign Investment – many TNCs have invested in Brazil because it is open to FDI.  Companies investing in Brazil include Fiat and Brazil attracted 491 projects in 2011, and $65 billion of investment in 2012.  Brazil invested $28nillion overseas via its own TNCs (such as Vale, a mining company, or Petrobas, an Oil and Natural gas company) in 2006 according to KPMG
  • Infrastructure – Brazil has good infrastructure across many parts of the country allowing businesses to operate
  • Internal Demand – The Brazilian economy has grown and so has its inhabitant’s disposable income. The population has also grown which gives Brazil a large market and high levels of internal demand. 
  • Tourism - Brazil has plenty of places to go and see the natural wonders, from scenic beaches to tropical rain forests. Ecotourism is also helping to preserve Brazil's natural wonders.

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