Sunday 24 April 2016

Development - Tourism

Sustainable tourism

Puerto Maldonado, Peru

  • Ecotourism focuses on conservation and preservation in Peru
  • Bird watching is a big thing with people trying to see Condors so there are many tours
  • There is Machu Picchu, which is a natural and cultural world heritage site. To prevent disturbance to this area only 500 hikers are allowed to visit it a day and permits are needed.
  • It is prohibited to litter, start fires and collects plants and animals.
  • Guides are from local communities so it provides jobs.
  • There are small huts to stay in with limited electricity and the food is all locally sources.
Unsustainable tourism

Goa, India
  • Protests from locals
  • Hotel chains sending profits out of the country
  • All inclusive hotels compete with local restaurants and bars
  • Mangrove forests cut down for hotels and pools
  • Drying fish on beaches are banned so fishing industry has been hit
  • Land price has increased so local businesses cannot afford rates
  • Hotels using all the water so locals only get water for 2 hours a day
  • Increased crime in the area

Tourism as a development strategy

  • Creates jobs
  • Income for indirect taxes from tourists spending for the government
  • Infrastructure improvements 
  • Attracts FDI
  • Increased entrepreneurship from locals
  • New skills and technology introduced
  • Dependency on tourism can lead to problems if there are things like natural disasters and political unrest.
  • Pressure on services and resources
  • Potential worker exploitation
  • Economic leakage with TNCs profits going abroad

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