Friday 27 May 2016

Ecosystems - Protecting global ecosystems

Ecosystems are very fragile and need to be protected. These are some ways to protect them

Government intervention

Kyoto Summit 1997

  • Made up of most industrialised nations
  • Agreed to cut CO2 emissions by 30% by 2010.
  • Most fell short of their targets.
Johannesburg World Summit 2002
  • Wanted to halt biodiversity loss by 2010.
  • Limited success
UK Biodiversity Action Plan 1994
  • To protect the most important wildlife site (10% of UK land is now an SSSI or ASSI)
  • Target action on priority species and habitats (in 2007 a list of 1149 species and 65 habits were selected)
  • Encourage people to change their behaviour in relation to environmental issues.

Small scale management

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