Friday 25 March 2016

Ecosystems - Biodiversity

Biodiversity is the variety of life found on the planet.


  • Loss of biodiversity can make ecosystems less stable and vulnerable.
  • Plants remove carbon dioxide and provide oxygen.
  • Plant communities are essential in the hydrological cycle. Transpiration recycles water back into the atmosphere. Also act as interceptors and aid infiltration.
  • Healthy forests are a source of fuelwood.
  • Food supply - 90% of the worlds calorie intake comes from 30 plants.
  • Used for medicines.
  • Can reduce floods.
  • Supports traditional, old communities.
  • Leisure use.

  • Habitat destruction
  • Global climate change
  • Disease
  • Invasive species
  • Over-exploitation
  • Pollution
  • Habitat fragmentation 

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