Saturday 26 March 2016

Ecosystems - The Sundarbans

Some facts about the Sundarbans:
  • The Sundarbans mangrove forest is located at the delta of the Ganges, Brahmaputa and Meghna rivers in the Bay of Bengal.
  • As well of mangrove forests the area is also covered in jungle.
  • One third of the area is covered in water.
  • The area has high biodiversity, including 260 bird species, tigers and crocodiles.
  • Serves as a protective flood barrier for millions of inhabitant. 
  • 3 sanctuaries with a total area of 346,000 acres protect the landscape.
  • It is an UNESCO World heritage site.
  • To visit the area a permit is needed from the Divisional Forest Office.
  • A guide is also necessary to reach the reserves.
  • Its a Ramsar site.
  • The endangered Royal Bengal tiger sometimes gets into the villages and instead of the villagers shooting them they have been taught how to control the tigers.
  • Fertile soils have been subject to intensive agriculture.
  • The rapidly expanding shrimp farming industry is a significant threat to the mangrove forests of Bangladesh.
  • Illegal cutting, encroachment of forest areas and illegal poaching of wildlife. 
  • Forest ecosystem also has become vulnerable to pollution. 
  • Threats arise from global climate change, especially sea level rise. 

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