Monday 30 May 2016

Cities - Urbanisation

Urbanisation- growth of towns and cities

  • Trade
  • Ports e.g. Shanghai
  • Colonies e.g. Lima
  • Industrialisation
  • Settlement laws
  • Natural population growth
  • Globalisation
  • Reassignment of capital cities 
Positive effects
  • Reduced transport costs
  • Exchange of ideas
  • Sharing of resources 
  • Higher standard of living
  • Lower fertility rate
  • Rise in tourism
  • More labour
Negative effects
  • Water contamination
  • Air pollution
  • Easy spread of diseases
  • More crime
  • Traffic congestion
  • High cost of living
  • Difficulty with administration
  • Overcrowding

Economic development and change related to urbanisation
  • Growth of cities in MEDCs increased rapidly in the 18th century with the industrial revolution and growth has now stabilised or is in decline.
  • In the past 50 years NICs and LEDCs have experienced a growth in urban areas bringing many issues due to poor planning like with slums.
  • In some developing cities, like Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo, crime is so bad that is is hindering development.

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