Wednesday 1 June 2016

Cities - Suburbanisation

Suburbanisation- growth of the suburbs and engulfing of surrounding towns and villages

  • Deindustrialisation 
  • Decentralisation
  • Social problems in the inner city e.g. crime, poor schooling
  • Growth in public transport systems and private car usage

  • Higher quality of public services
  • More active community groups
  • Higher occupancy rate in shopping parades
  • Increase in demand for recreational facilities
  • Increasing employment opportunities 
  • Vacant and derelict building left in the inner city
  • Increased land value
  • Increase air pollution
  • Pressure on green belt
  • Increased traffic in outer city

Case study - Surbiton, SW London

  • Population growth from 141k to 160k from 1971 to 2011
  • High house prices averaging £700,000
  • High congestion with 70% of households owning a car and narrow roads with poor parking facilities
  • High public transport costs 
  • Train stations reclassified from zone 6 to zone 5 to reduce ticket costs
  • Bike storage units built to encourage cycling
  • Better pedestrian access to encourage walking 

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