Sunday 5 June 2016

Cities - Decentralisation of retailing

Over recent years there has been a trend where shopping has moved from town centres to outer areas of cities and towns.


  • Increased car ownership so people can drive to shops
  • High parking prices in city centres
  • Cheaper to build retail parks out of town
  • Increased road building
Impacts on city centres

  • Investment to improve the centre and attract customers like building pedestrian crossings
  • Reduction of congestion and air pollution
  • Hard to compete so shops might close causing job losses
  • Services will also close with a reduction of people visiting the city centre 
  • General decline of the area
Impacts on rural-urban fringe

  • Create jobs for people in the suburbs
  • Can be build on brownfield sites
  • Houses close by may increase in value
  • Require a lot of construction
  • Congestion on the way to shopping centres especially at peak times

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