Sunday 5 June 2016

Cities - Gentrification

Gentrification is when wealthier people move into a run down area and regenerate it by improving their houses.

  • Housing is improved
  • Value of housing increases so people already in the area can make more money on their homes
  • New businesses in the area so jobs are created
  • Crime rates fall
  • High demand for housing so rents may be pushed up so original residents have to move out
  • Loss of shops original residents need like laundrettes
  • Tension between locals and new residents
Notting Hill
  • Previously a working class neighbourhood
  • Very close to central London
  • Houses have secluded communal gardens so good for families
  • Victorian architecture makes it very attractive
  • The film Notting Hill continued to popularise the area
  • New fashionable restaurants and bars opened like Trailer Happiness

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