Sunday 5 June 2016

Cities - Mumbai

Mumbai is a city in the state of Maharashtra in India.

  • Mumbai has rapidly urbanised over the past 60 years
  • This has been due to a high natural increase, and the booming economy attracting people due to the large number of jobs
  • Mumbai is on an island making it harder to grow outwards
  • Dharavi is the biggest slum in India with over one million inhabitants
  • There are open sewers in the streets so disease spreads easily
  • Homes are very small with many people living in them
  • Water is also rationed
  • 85% of people who live in the slum work in the slum
  • There is a recycling zone where 80% of the plastic in Mumbai is recycled
  • A $2 billion redevelopment project is threatening Dharavi with the slums bring replaced by high rises. The sense of community will be lost as well as many peoples jobs.

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