Friday 3 June 2016

Cities - Re-urbanisation

Re-urbanisation is the movement of people back into an urban area.


  • Redevelopments on brownfield sites with high quality housing
  • Lots of universities are in cities so in brings in young people
  • Young single people want to live close to work - can lead to gentrification
  • Counter-urbanistaion may cause high house prices in rural areas pushing people out
  • Rural areas may be too boring e.g. lacking nightlife 

  • New shops and services open
  • Jobs created from businesses opening
  • Tourism can increase in the area
  • Local schools can benefit from the increased number of students
  • Original residents may not be able to afford homes as house prices increase
  • Jobs may be unskilled and low pay
  • Shops may cater to newer, wealthier residents rather than the original ones so they'll have to go elsewhere
Case study - London Docklands
  • Enterprise zone (where taxes are lowered and planning restrictions are relaxed) was set up.
  • By 1998, 2700 businesses were trading on the docks and attracted £7.7bn in investment.
  • 24,000 new homes were built
  • DLR connected central London with the docks
  • Sailing and watersports centre built
  • New schools and colleges built

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